

Training / Content / Strategy / Social Media


fumopay are a fintech, open banking payments platform, who provide a method for businesses to collect payments online. As a Xero connected app. and focusing on providing payment solutions for SMEs, one of fumopay’s main focus areas is their Partner Programme for accountants and bookkeepers. We worked with fumopay to deliver a go-to-market strategy for the launch of their Partner Programme, including initial research, production of related assets and collateral, leading to the delivery of their marketing campaign.

DAS expo stand for Fumopay
DAS expo stand for Fumopay

How we work:

Following undertaking initial discovery workshops with the fumopay team, we defined their key messaging for launching their partnership programme into the accountancy and bookkeeping sector. Once key messaging was tested within a focus group environment, we suggested a core collection of marketing assets and pieces of collateral required to fully explain their proposition and launch their new partner programme. We worked with the fumopay team and their existing agency to ensure brand consistency across all elements of their business.

Following the production of the initial core assets and collateral, we have led the marketing activity relating to the partner programme.

What fumopay say:

MKT:MIX took the time to truly understand our business and product offering, by facilitating workshops with our team, and delving into the detail to understand our objectives.

The discovery workshops resulted in MKT:MIX defining key messaging for the campaign, which they tested within a focus group of target clients. Following feedback, they produced a key findings document, which has been instrumental not only for the marketing delivery of the campaign, but also across our business.

MKT:MIX led the production of assets and content required to launch into the accounting sector, working alongside our existing marketing agency to ensure alignment across existing material, time efficiency and overall brand.

We’re extremely pleased with the end result; the campaign hits the exact messaging that resonates with our target audience. We’re now planning a further scope of work with MKT:MIX to amplify this campaign.

What fumopay say:
Kevin Ludford – Founder & CEO


Strategy is embedded in everything we do. Our work will ensure you are seen and heard by the right people.

TrainingMarketing training energises teams by instilling a sense of shared responsibility, creating ambassadors for your businesses image and values.
Social MediaSocial media amplifies your voice above the noise, turning every post into a powerful tool for engagement and brand loyalty.
ContentContent marketing fuels brand authority and customer trust by providing value, nurturing relationships, and establishing expertise in your industry.
DigitalDigital marketing expands a brand's reach, targets with precision, and tracks results for data-driven strategic insights.
BrandingBranding is the core of your business identity, distinguishing you in a crowded market and connecting deeply with customers.
StrategyStrategy turns marketing from a game of chance into a precise art, ensuring every move is a step towards success.

If you’re looking to up your marketing game, we’d love to hear from you.

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